Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Training of trainiees on life skills

Training of trainees training was conducted from 25th - 27th May at PCEA Eastleigh Community assembly hall to 15 youths who came from various departments which included automotive, electrical, metal work, hair dressing and beauty, fashion and design, catering, and ICT.
The areas covered include
  • Training and facilitation skills.
  • Behaviour change communication.
  • Sexuality.
  • Communication.
  • Human reproductive system.
  • Adolences.
  • STI's.
  • HIV and AIDS.
  • Family planning.
  • Self esteem.
  • Self awareness.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The water project

The project is geared towards addressing challenges that vulnerable households face in regard to accessing clean and safe drinking water. Low income households within the project area are exploited by local water vendors who charge them exhobidantly for them to acces the precious commodity with prices ranging from Kshs 20-80 for a twenty litre container of water.

The health risk factor associated with consuming this water is high as the beneficiaries know little about the source of this water hence making them at risk of contracting waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea, dycentry, typhoid and cholera.

The centre realising this as a problem, it establishes a water point that provides safe clean drinking water to the low income households at a subsidised price hence protecting them from exploitation from the local vendors who sell water whose source is unknown.

This initiative is geared towards complimenting MBG (Millenium Development Goal) number 7 target 10 that calls for reduction by half the number of vulnerable households that are not able to accses clean and safe drinking water by 2015. It is also geared towards reducing the under 5 child mobidity and motality rate associated with waterborne and sanitation related diseases such as diarrhoea, typhoid and cholera.

Monday, May 16, 2011

TOT Training on solid waste management.

TOT training on solid waste management and proposal development to 46 sanitation and garbage management youths within the project area conducted on 2nd and 8th October 2010 at PCEA Eastleigh Community Centre assembly hall.
(left) Diana Sawers from Nairobi Utumishi Rotary theoritically training on solid waste management.

Terms of reference:
1. To empower 46 youths on fire briquette making technology.
2. To enhance the capacity of the targeted sanitation and garbage management youths on proposal development skills.
Briquette making technology:
The training was provided by Mrs. Diana Sawers and Mr. Robin members on Nairobi Eastland’s lottery club. She highlighted to the present youth that fire briquettes compare to charcoal burns for longer hours, can cook three meals, provide clean fuel, produces less smoke and are cost effective. The youth she continued can venture into this clean technology as an enterprise and employment creation avenue. This she said can held in addressing the problem of youth unemployment leading to improved livelihoods and self reliance, contributing immensely to attainment of millennium development goal number 1 of extreme poverty reduction and the youth employment creation policy in Kenya.

Practical training on making of fire briquettes with participating youths taking center stage.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Eastleigh community centre through community health and environment management program annually organizes free medical camps to the vulnerable slum dwellers within Nairobi Eastland’s. The idea is to provide quality medical care to low income households that live on less than one dollar a day. The target area is characterized by cholera out break, malnutrition cases, water borne and sanitation related diseases, eye infection occasioned by dust, high HIV/AIDS prevalence rate, drugs and substance abuse, among others. To respond to this the centre annually organizes free medical camps for the target community not only to provide free  medical care services but also to educate the general community on nutrition, family planning options , diabetes prevention and management , cholesterol control, cardiovascular ailments among others. This year the centre organized diverse rage of specialized services as compared to the past free medical camps.
The motto for the 4th annul medical camp was:

“Matibabu bora Kwa Watu Wote” which means “Quality health care for all”
In total the centre was able to support a total of 1,259 families during this years 4th annual free medical camp. Appreciation to our potential partners and donor CORDAID.

The objectives of the 4th annual free medical camp were:
  • To provide quality medical care to 500 vulnerable households within the project are.
  • To promote awareness on breast cancer and cervical cancer issues.
  • To provide talks on nutrition, diabetes and blood sugar management.
  • To promote clear vision to those with eye sight problem.
  • To promote child health and safety.