Wednesday, March 30, 2011


  This is yet another project under the refugee empowerment Programme which goes in line with THE NOOR(Ceramic beads) PROJECT aimed at restoring lost hope to the vulnerable through ensuring sustainable livelihood to enable them live responsibly and with dignity. The project, done under the leader of Mr. James and staff, has been very successful not only to the Centre, but also the society at large, hence impacting positively to the growth and development of the of the society.
   The project promotes the production of clay-made products such as cups, vases, mugs. kettle, bowls, plates, and a lot more which come in different color, size, and shape depending on your taste.
  They are then sold through exhibitions in Sarit Center, Yaya centre, and Mombasa.

A frame showing some of the products of the pottery project done at the centre. There is a huge variety in color, size and shape depending on your taste.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The World water day celebrations March 19th -22nd 2011

The centre in partnership with other organizations on 19th- 22nd march 2011 joined the reset of the world in celebrating world water day. The event which is celebrated globally from 19-22 March annually grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on environment and development in Rio de Janeiro.
The spirit behind this effort is to:
Raise awareness of the world’s current water and sanitation crisis and critically demand strong government to stop the needless deaths of 5,000 children every day:
To create awareness on the importance of household water treatment and safe storage at point of use:
To enhance awareness  on the importance of hand washing with soap at critical moments.

The celebration was marked with a 2km walk along Juja road.The youths participated fully  towards the objectives of the day.
Women and children walk on average 6km to often unprotected water sources, such as rivers or muddy dugouts. In urban areas people have no choice but collect water from polluted waterways or pay high prices to buy it from vendors who obtain it from unknown sources. The average weight of water carried is 20kgs, carrying the heavy water container s back home is an exhausting task, taking up valuable time and energy. The lack of access to safe drinking water impacts severely upon health, education and income at household level. In Kenya for instance half in the bed are filled with people suffering from preventable diarrhea related diseases, women spend less time for productive activities because of time spend colleting water or caring for the sick family members. Illness and lack of sanitation facilities in the schools mean children are unable to go to school and missing out of school leading to low academic performance. Inadequate access to sanitation and water, keep people living in poverty, low economic development: an estimate of 5% of developing countries GDP is lost to illness .Despite of numerous commitments, politicians are still ignoring this crisis. Water and sanitation are essential for improving health education, gender equality and economic growth.  
The event was marked with 2 kilometers walk along Juja road followed by speeches from invited guest from WASH United, water organization, Maji na ufanisi, German embassy, Kwetu home of peace, Christ  the king Kibera ,Netwas, GIZ at PCEA Eastleigh Community Centre Assembly Hall. The speeches were then followed by a series of entertainments from invited youth groups and primary school children of school going age. The items of entertainment entailed, narratives, poems, skits, traditional creative dances, modern dances, miming, choral verses among others. All these items were bearing messages on the importance of water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH).the event was finally crowned by awards of Maji Afya (silver treated ceramic water purifiers) to 350 women come from low income households within the project area.
This years celebrations attracted several partners, these included in the namely WASH United, water organization, Maji na ufanisi, German embassy, GIZ   among others. Other actors involved included 7 Patricia from K24, and partners from maji na ufanisi, water organization, Kwetu home of peace, Christ  the king Kibera ,Netwas and WASH United enjoying the entertainment from pupils from St. James feeding program while Mr.Nyaga reading the speech of Roland from GIZ (German embassy)
Outcome of the event:
1.     Enhanced advocacy to the government to provide clean and safe drinking water to its citizen.
2.     Increased awareness and adoption of appropriate technology in household water treatment and safe storage.
3.     Enhanced community participation in water, hygiene and sanitation promotion initiatives.
4.     Enhanced cultivation of children/youth creativity and mastery.
5.     Enhanced networking and collaboration among actors.
6.     Enhanced media publicity and coverage water crisis within the project area.
The centre would like to thank CORDAID for their continuous support to community health and environment management programme, Wash united, water organization, German embassy ,Maji na Ufanisi ,primary schools, women self help groups and youth groups  for making this event a successes. It is important to note that in order for us to significantly reduce the alarming statistics of waterborne and sanitation related diseases among children under five : and to attaining millennium development goal number 7 target 10 that call for reduction by half the number of vulnerable households without access to basic sanitation and safe water a collaborative effort is required ,as this duty should not only be  left to the UN and the government but a collaborative effort among actors such as development partners and civil society organizations is required and need to be enhanced.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Flag Raising Ceremony

      March 11th 2011 is concidered a Friday with a difference as the pupils at Rev. Kareri primary school invited all the departments at P.C.E.A Eastleigh community Centre for The Flag Raising Ceremony at the school.The ceremony is done twice in a week to promote patriotism among the citizens especially children  who are still at school as it is a reminder of the struggle for Kenyan independence.
   Gladys Nekesa, a Std 7 pupil, gave a speech to the entire institution.She started by welcoming them to the ceremony and elaborated a detailed story in relation to Kenya National Flag. She explained the symbol of the national flag as a reflection of the country’s liberty from the British colony. 
She further elaborated the national anthem composed by Peter Kibukosya from a Pokomo Lullaby as a prayer for the country      
Gladys Nekesa is currently the speaker of the schools’s parliament and secretary to the Wildlife and Environmental Club at the School. She is also ranked the best pupil in her class academically. 

Gladys Nekesa, a Std 7 pupil, giving a speech to the entire institution.She started by welcoming them to the ceremony and elaborated a detailed story in relation to Kenya National Flag. She explained the symbol of the national flag as a reflection of the country’s liberty from the British colony.

Conflict Transformation and Emergency Response

This program under PCEA Eastleigh Community Centre (ECC) Implemented Skill for Peace Initiative (SPI) Project targeting youth within the target slum Communities of Mathare, Huruma, Kariobangi, Mathare North, Dandora, Korogocho, Kayole, Eastleigh and its environs. The SPI project built the capacities of the project beneficiaries on Skills training, Entrepreneurship development, Peace building Initiatives, Democratic governance Issues, Human rights Violation and Abuses with the aim of promoting Peace ambassadors. The beneficiaries of SPI project were mobilized and strengthened to establish four area youth for peace groups. The groups organized a Debate Forum within the community on whether Conflict may arise during / after 2012 Kenyan Electoral Processes. Thirty-eight representatives from the peace groups engaged in discussing the community anxiety and tension (as early Conflict warning signs) arising from the Political Rivalry experienced among major Political parties in the Implementation and  Dispensation of the Kenya Constitution. The members further divided themselves according to their views / opinions to debate on possibilities of conflicts and violence arising during / after 2012 Kenyan Elections. The motion had proposers and opposers and finally a deliberation on local mechanisms to prevent any emerging conflicts and violence were realized.
   The debate was tough, every point highlighted was meaningful to both the opposers and proposers but at the end of it all a conclusion(s) had to be made and this is what was concluded:
  • Promote mechanism in reaching more youth’s for towards peace full co-existence. 
  • To target youth for skills training thus equipping them with skills than being idle.
  • Involve youth in understanding on-going national reforms to feel part of the Government.
  • Encourage everybody to preach peace and urge Religious leaders to do so.
  • Our leaders should show good example as they are being emulated by the Community
  • Seek dialogue and reconciliation mechanisms towards resettling Internal Displaced Persons.
  • Promote active non-violence process within communities towards conflict mitigation and reconciliations process.

Monday, March 7, 2011

THE NOOR(Ceramic beads) PROJECT

  Eastleigh community centre aims at restoring lost hope to the less fortunate through ensuring sustainable livelihood to enable them live responsibly and with dignity. These ceramic bead products are handmade from stoneware clay, fired and hand painted by valnerable refugee women.
  They are then marketed and sold through exhibitions in Sarit Center, Yaya centre, and even Mombasa. They are also sold to people who visit the centre.

The refugee women produce neclesses, earrings and bracelets.They come in all sizes and colour according to your taste, they last long and the prices are also reasonable.

The tree like-figure holding earrings looks stunning and attractive to the eyes. The necklesses too hanging on the display makes one feel like grabbing all of them! 

 Laura and patrick very busy selecting earrings for a client in the pottery display.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


     According  to WHO report on water and sanitation, 1.5 million children under the age of 14 die annually as a result of water and sanitation related diseases. Diseases which can significantlly be prevented  by observing basic hygine and sanitation intervations such as practical hand washing with soap and through adoption of appropriate technologies in Household Water Treatment and safe storage such as use of Silver Treatment Ceramic Water Filters.
     The center promotes the use of the water filters to the valnerable households within Nairobi slum areas.This tecnology is simple, reliable, and effective in household water systems among valnerable households and to everyone.
    The technology comes with a number of benefits, for instance, among the households beneficiaries of the technology there is increased household income and enhanced access of safe drinking water significant reduction of child modility and mortality rate as a result of water born and sanitation related diseases, improved health and general wellness among the beneficiaries. There is also improved academic performance among children of school going age occationed by increased teacher-child contact hours.